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Wellington, FL – December 23, 2014 – Ray Ainsworth travels the country working with horses and presenting informative clinics, and now, for the first time during the winter equestrian season, Ainsworth is bringing his knowledge to Wellington, Florida.

The 2015 Ray Ainsworth Transformation Tour kicks off in Wellington on February 28 – March 1, 2015 in a two-day clinic at the Jim Brandon Equestrian Center.

Jackson, MS – December 16, 2014 – Ray Ainsworth travels the country teaching horses and presenting clinics as one of the nation’s leading horseman, and when he does he is rarely without a Behlen Country round pen and corral panels.

Behlen Country is the nation’s leading manufacturer of farm and ranch equipment, and their sturdy round pens are the ones that Ainsworth trusts most for whatever he might face when starting a colt or working a horse.

Jackson, MS – December 1, 2014 – When Jordan Kiker and her mare Twist would show up at barrel racing events no one wanted them there. The mare was reckless, dangerous, and what many considered to be a liability and risk to their safety.

Kiker was even offered money not to run the mare, and she was about to throw in the towel and find a new barrel horse. Then a friend made a suggestion that would drastically change things for Kiker and Twist.

Wellington, FL – November 12, 2014 – After 30 minutes of fighting, your horse will not load on the trailer, or maybe it takes a twitch and a team of three people just to clip his ears. This winter season, renowned horseman Ray Ainsworth is coming to Florida to help teach that it does not have to be that hard.

Ainsworth has started more than 10,000 horses, and he specializes in addressing behavioral concerns across all breeds and disciplines.

Dubuque, IA – November 4, 2014 – When Becky Shady’s grandfather, Harry Shady, pulled up at Blain’s Farm and Fleet in Dubuque, Iowa, he had on his stock trailer three horses that had never been touched.

The Shadys had traveled to see Ray Ainsworth and to get a hand from the renowned horseman in starting their nervous and completely unhandled young horses.


Meet "The Man Horses Talk To"

Ray does not train horses; he teaches them in a way that makes him one of the world’s most unique horsemen.
Ainsworth was born and raised in Raymond, Mississippi. From a young age, he studied the language of horses. As a winning jockey, trainer, and competitor, Ainsworth developed and fine-tuned a resistance-free, no-nonsense technique that he uses in teaching horses and working with behavioral issues of every kind.

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